API reference

This page provides an auto-generated summary of py3nj’s API. For more details and examples, refer to the relevant chapters in the main part of the documentation.

Top-level functions

wigner3j(two_l1, two_l2, two_l3, two_m1, …)

Calculate wigner 3j symbol ( L1 L2 L3) (-M2-M3 M2 M3)

wigner6j(two_l1, two_l2, two_l3, two_l4, …)

Calculate wigner 6j symbol (L1 L2 L3) (L4 L5 L6)

wigner9j(two_l1, two_l2, two_l3, two_l4, …)

Calculate wigner 9j symbol (L1 L2 L3) (L4 L5 L6) (L7 L8 L9)

clebsch_gordan(two_j1, two_j2, two_j3, …)

Calulate Clebsch-Gordan coefficient <j1 m1, j2 m2 | j3 m3>

Wigner module

wigner.drc3jj(two_l2, two_l3, two_m2, two_m3)

Calculate Wigner’s 3j symbol ( L1 L2 L3) (-M2-M3 M2 M3) for all the possible L1 values.

wigner.drc6j(two_l2, two_l3, two_l4, two_l5, …)

Calculate Wigner’s 6j symbol (L1 L2 L3) (L4 L5 L6) for all the possible L1 values.